2-day training “Integral Eye Movement Therapy”

On the 25th and 26th of March 2017 Hanneke van der Voort offers us the 2-day training IEMT.

IEMT is a surprisingly fast and effective therapy which creates a positive change in the areas of unwanted emotional and identity imprints. By including the use of specific eye movements made new connections in brains, causing a change occurs on a neurological level.

Category: SKU: 2017001


On the 25th and 26th of March 2017 Hanneke van der Voort offers us the 2-day training IEMT.

IEMT is a surprisingly fast and effective therapy which creates a positive change in the areas of unwanted emotional and identity imprints. By including the use of specific eye movements made new connections in brains, causing a change occurs on a neurological level.

Practical information

  • Date: 25th and 26th of March 2017
  • Location: Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Erica, Molenbosweg 17, Berg en Dal
  • Time: 09:30h – 17:00h
  • Price Will be visible when you click ‘Add to cart’
    NB: No advertising on Social Media, we have agreed with the trainer. Only introducees recruit through personal approach.
  • Language: Dutch
  • Participants criteria: NLP Master Practitioner

For more information check the Dutch event page.