The workshop of Monica Wagner will be just in Dutch. Sorry.
Adres: Hollendewagenweg 20, 3985 SG Werkhoven (prov. Utrecht).
The workshop of Monica Wagner will be just in Dutch. Sorry.
The workshop of Monica Wagner will be just in Dutch. This will be held atConferentiecentrum Samaya in Werkhoven.
Adres: Hollendewagenweg 20, 3985 SG Werkhoven (prov. Utrecht).
ATTENTION: This training will not be held on june 2020 but instead on, 30 january 2021.
Limited number of places available.
Investment: € 75 for members and a € 115 for guests
The workshop of Monica Wagner will be just in Dutch. Sorry.
Adres: Hollendewagenweg 20, 3985 SG Werkhoven (prov. Utrecht).