Voor de grondleggers van NLP – John Grinder en Richard Bandler – was Virginia Satir een belangrijk rolmodel. Bandler en Grinder vergezelden Virginia Satir in haar werk als familie therapeut en modelleerden haar meest effectieve methoden voor verandering, versterken van gevoel van eigenwaarde en congruent gedrag. Deze kennis is nu wereldwijd beschikaar voor NLP beoefenaars.
Practical information
Date: Saturday 5 and Sunday March 2016.
Location: Zzamen, Roeleveenseweg 15, Zoetermeer
Rooms: information and bookings through Meike Breedveld
Time: 9:30h – 17:00h
Price: 80 euros for members, 170 euros for former members and 140 euros for invites
Language: this training will be in English
Particitants criteria: NLP Master Practitioner
Final registration date: Januari 23th
- Virginia Satir’s 10 magical patterns (9 page PDF file)
Experiences of our members with the work of Romina
Lucy Platvoet
“Romina is a calm and thorough trainer who allows us to master clearly and step by step the accomplishments of Virginia Satir.
Her enthusiasm about Satir is contagious. She tells the theory clear, let us personally experience the effects of the methods, and encourages us to apply the technique on each other.
Pleasant, clear, loving and at times funny she leads us through the processes. Highly recommended!”
Koen Lucas
“Romina Schell is an example of what she teaches others, someone with enormous NLP skills which she wholeheartedly deploys for the people and the system. Despite her relative young age, she lives NLP and enriches her practice with a huge commitment and warmth that is felt immediately.
I met Romina during a week training by Robert Dilts (The Hero’s Journey), in which she participated with her husband Gary. The chemistry was really good and thenafter I followed the IANLP-trainers training at the NLP institute that they run together in Germany. Also great to see is how two such skilled NLP coaches/trainers undergo, completely open-minded and eager to learn, training of others!
What a pity that her book “Das Herz im NLP” is not yet translated into Dutch, but it is underway. The content is certainly worthwhile. In the book Romina makes a valuable addition to the NLP practice, from the largely untapped life work of Virginia Satir.
A training by Romina guarantees lots of content, a warm atmosphere, humor and practical exercises. An absolute must!“
- Romina Schell (2015). Das Herz im NLP, kongruent und empathisch coachen, Paderbron, Germany: Junfermann Verlag.
- Get to know Romina with Romina Schell
- Teaching The Magic of Virginia Satir with Romina Schell
- Testimonial videos
- More videos? See also the youtube channel NLPwayS
- NLPwayS (English, Nederlands, Deutsch)
Satir Training for NLP skilled people - diedenkweisen
NLP-Ausbildung, Coaching, Firmenseminare - Das Herz im NLP
The new book by Romina Schell