29 en 30 mei 2023 – Tim Hallbom on shame and self-esteem


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Categorie: Artikelnummer: 2023 2


Improving Self–Esteem

This practical two-day program with Tim Hallbom offers you some valuable skills that will help you effectively deal with trauma, shame and self-doubt and limiting beliefs that can often plague your clients, as well as provide you with tools to work with yourself. Of course, the processes that you’ll be learning work well in a number of contexts beyond issues that affect self-esteem. By the end of this two day program you will learn some new processes to help yourself and others improve self-esteem, and greatly enrich the overall life of those you work with.

Be kind to self process

This process is useful for improving self-esteem and changing one’s perception of events or situations where you were unhappy with yourself, self-critical, guilty, or feeling shame and doubt. The goal is to turn the problem situation into a learning opportunity to help you grow and evolve as a person. Following the steps to the process can help you become happier and more competent. It can also help you to resolve traumas that lead to self-doubt and criticism.

How to Improve self-esteem by changing the negative stories that we tell ourselves.

This useful set of processes will help you to identify unconscious negative narratives and belief clusters that reduce self-esteem and replace them with more empowering ones that enhance it.

Resolving shame

This NLP process helps one to identify just how they are thinking when they feel shame.  It also helps one to develop strategies for replacing shame with self-acceptance.

4-step belief change

You will learn a very powerful and reliable way to identify and change limiting beliefs. This process is one of the ones that Tim and Kris use most often in their private NLP practices. This process was originally developed with Tim and Kris’s WealthyMindTM Program and has been constantly refined and taught all over the world.

Dates                             29 – 30 May 2023
Location                        Stayokay Soest
Time                              10.00 – 17.00

Language                      English
Pre requisite                 NLP Master Practitioner

* Particpants from abroad who cannot pay through ideal, please contact caroline@gezonddenkenendoen.nl for your registration and payment.